Industrial Complexes
Purpose and overview
Two national industrial complexes (including foreign-investment zones in complex 4) are operating, consisting of complex 1 and complexes 2-4 that specialize in providing lands for fostering electronics industries, and in focusing on electronics, semiconductors, and textiles.
Business implementer/management agency
Gyeongsangbuk-do (complex 1), K-water (complexes 2 -4) / Korea Industrial Complex Corporation (KICOX)
33 km north of Daegu, Gyeongsangbuk-do; Gongdan-dong, Simi-dong and Sandong-eup in Gumi-si; and Chilgok-gun
Topography and ground
Relatively flat lands, characterized by a higher north area and a lower south area, consisting of hills, low mountains, fields, public surface water, and miscellaneous lands
Weather (annual average)
Temperature:13.4℃, precipitation:895.2 ㎜, days of precipitation:86 days, humidity:59%, direction of most frequent wind:northwest
Creation background
- August 25, 1973 Designated as a local industrial development promotion zone (Ministry of Construction Notice 85)
- April 22, 1977 Developed as an industrial land development area (Ministry of Construction Notice 72)
- March 13, 1998 4th complex execution plan was approved (Busan Regional Construction Management Office Administration Notice 1998-49)
- December 3, 2008 The Gumi National Industrial Complex Expansion and Development Plan was announced (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Notice 2008-691)
- September 30, 2009 The Gumi Hightech Valley Industrial Complex Plan was announced (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport Notice 2009-955)
- November 4, 2010 The Industrial Complex Structure Advancement Plan was approved (Ministry of Knowledge Economy 2010-204)
Creation period
- March 1998 - December 2017 Construction was projected (complex 4, expansion complex)
- September 2009 - December 2018 Construction was projected (complex 5)
Management area
표를 좌우로 이동하여 내용을 보실 수 있습니다.
Total management area | Industrial facility area | Support facility area | Public facility area | Green area |
22,628,000 ㎡ | 16,520,000 ㎡ | 1,163,000 ㎡ | 3,684,000 ㎡ | 1,261,000 ㎡ |
Average sale price/payment method
By public sale notice
Business occupancy overview
- No. of business occupants: 2,260 companies
- Operating businesses: 1,880 companies
- Employees : 95,180 people
- Production, exports : Production amount: KRW 33.288 trillion / Exports: USD 23.65 billion
- Business Overview
표를 좌우로 이동하여 내용을 보실 수 있습니다.
Business Overview Category Total Food,
ClothesWood Paper Petroleum
ChemicalsNon-metals Steel Machinery Electricity
EquipmentOthers Non-
manufacturingOperating business (Firm) 2,260 10 98 47 247 42 26 982 681 31 37 59 Workforce
(People)95,180 577 3,256 798 6,294 2,944 736 22,276 55,553 1,284 534 928