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이 누리집은 대한민국 공식 전자정부 누리집입니다.

Mayor's Office


I am Kim Jangho, the Mayor of Gumi.

In response to the call of citizens longing for changes,
I have taken on the heavy responsibility of developing the City of Gumi.

Gumi is a historical city where tradition and future coexist.
Gumi has grown into the industrial economic hub of Korea after
Korea’s first national industrial complex was built along the Nakdonggang River.

We need new changes and innovations to succeed in the in the next generations.
We need develop ourselves, rather than remain in the glory of the past.

Together with the 410,000 citizens of Gumi, I will do my best in creating a bright and hopeful future for our city.

Thank you.

Gumi Mayor Kim Jangho

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