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About Gumi

General Information

Gumi City is run by a local government located in southwestern Gyeongsangbuk-do, South Korea.

It is 277 km away from Seoul, and 167 km away from Busan. It covers an area spanning 615 ㎢ or 3.2% of Gyeongsangbuk-do.

Gumi’s population is estimated at 420,000. It consists of 5 myeons, including Seonsan-eup, Goa-eup, Sandong-eup, and 17 dongs. Gumi is surrounded by provincial parks, such as Geumosan, Cheonsaengsan, and Taejosan, as if it were a folding panel, and it has Nakdonggang River flowing through its heart, adding to to its beautiful coastline.

Under this naturally beautiful environment, all its citizens are united as one with the slogan, ⁠Positive Innovation, Vibrant Gumi.

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