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About Gumi

Natural Environment


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End Longitudinal and latitudinal ends Length
Location name End point
Eastern end 64, San, Myeonggok-ri, Jangcheon-myeon Longitude 128˚33'58" north latitude 36˚06'46" East to west about 38.8 ㎞
Western end 67, San, Angok-ri, Mueul-myeon Longitude 128˚08'06" north latitude 36˚15'48"
Southern end 59, San, Otae-dong Longitude 128˚21'25" nort latitude 36˚04'58 East to west about 33.4 ㎞
Northern end 13, San, Gubong-ri, Okseong-myeon Longitude 128˚15'58" north latitude 36˚21'34"

Gumi is located in southwestern Gyeongsangbuk-do, neighboring Chilkgok-gun to the southeast, Gimcheon to the west, Sangju to the north, and Gunwi-gun and Uiseong-gun to the northeast.

The land slopes roughly from northwest to southeast, while Nakdong River flows north to south through the center of the city, providing an ideal location to supply sufficient water for the agricultural and industrial development of the city.

The southwestern part features the magnificent Mt. Geumosan, which is 976 m above sea level, while on the eastern part is Mt. Cheonsaengsan surrounded by stone walls on all its sides, and on the northeastern part lies Mt. Cheonghwasan and Mt. Naengsan, giving the city a splendid view.


The weather in the southern inland part of Korean Peninsula is characterized by a relatively wide difference between cold and hot temperatures. The coldest January in the winter has an average temperature of minus 5 degrees Celsius, while the hottest August in the summer has an average temperature of 25 degrees Celsius due to the influence of its basin geography.


A well-developed transport network, ample land and water, and other favorable location conditions give Gumi a tremendous potential for development. By combining sophisticated industrial complexes and advanced agriculture, Gumi is well on the road to further development.

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